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You score when your fans assist! Raise $499 for your team/organization every time your fans assist in getting a Fandom Fundraiser started with another team/organization.
How does it work?
Your fans are parents and siblings of other athletes and students from other teams, clubs and schools in need of raising money just like you.
1. Contact us today for more details (
2. Make your fans (parents) aware of this opportunity to raise money via email blast, quick text or team meetings
3. Once your fan uncovers a potential Fandom Fundraising opportunity, your fans will notify us via email with the team/organization name, contact person and contact phone number/email
4. Immediately after the order forms and payment are submitted for the new Fandom Fundraising project, a check will be issued for $499*
Get started. Contact us today!
Questions: Call 480-227-4704 or Email
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